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Training programs are considered an integral part of development for human resources. It is an organized tool for the development of specific skills to the desired standard with the help of information, instruction, guidance, and practice.

Employee training programs are in the rage both in start-ups and established business entities as it brings a fresh perspective on the thinking process of an organization. More and more people are giving credence so as to include it in the workplace because it will boost development opportunities and promote employee retention.

1. High-quality program management

The person in charge of the training program is responsible for planning and implementing training initiatives. He should be open-minded and motivated so that he can help the employees in reaching their potential

2. Identify the needs of an organization

It is important to identify the needs of an organization and build a training program that will take the company forward

3. Evaluating adult learning benefits and shortcomings

It is vital that emphasis is given to the fact that adults are fast learners and they already have a strong base of existing knowledge

4. Identifying training objectives and evaluate training

Identify the objectives of employee training and evaluate them to create an effective program.

5. Alignment

It is vital to align organization initiatives with needs to address all issues

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